It's a funny thing what happened with this film. It is supposed to be an ode to the giallo movies of the 70's. Giallo (yellow), after the colour of the cover of the horrory Italian books of the 30's. - Hence some Italian accents and names that are heard although it is a French production. Now, practicing my latest favorite hobby, that is reading other people's reviews, it seems that there where three main categories of people:
1) The giallo-fan people which were generally disappointed because the movie takes some aspects of their favorite genre and exaggerates them almost touching tongue-in-cheek levels
2) The not-so-much-of-a-giallo-fan people that loved it because it resembles more an artistic experimental work than a completed movie and
3) The not-so-much-of-any-of-the-above people that either loved it or hated it for their own reasons. Some of the ones that hated it I believe did not understand a thing about it and it must surely be frustrating to be reminded of how brainless you are. On the other hand, some of the ones that loved it were really sick people and I want nothing to do with their blogs!
I, myself, am on the middle category. I loved every aspect of the film. It surely stands out inside this sea of junk that we're thrown in the cinemas lately. Generally, if I were making movies, this is how I'd make them. Except for the overly excessive sexuality element - curiosity days are looong gone for me.
Tarantino loved this movie too. It made it to his top 20 movies for 2010. If you've seen it you'll surely understand why. One idea out there is that this kind of film-making is a bit like doing remixes of old songs.
Music itself plays a very important part for the film. If you are to renovate something old and favourite, you can't just focus on script or directorial practices. It has to gather everything. An audio-visual feast of nostalgia, and in this film, the package is complete. And the cherry on top... a Tarantino-like soundtrack. Perfect!
P.S.I just realised I forgot to mentioned the people that hated this movie because it gave them the feeling of a self-masturbatory experimental work of a cinema student. What can I say? I am an experimental buff! If I could have surrealism for dinner every day, I wouldn't say no!
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