Who killed the cinema

It's been a while since my last conf... post. And I have a confession to make. I went to the cinema! Yes, I did. IN a mall. To watch one of those corny-named twilight saga movies, the Eclipe. Even now I can't think of anything to say about the movie. It just slipped through my receptive organs and out of my head very quickly. But I do remember liking the atmosphere in there. In fact I liked it a lot.
One of the things that my town is known for is its audience. People respect each other - apart from a whooping cough that is sometimes spreading just after a play or movie starts. Other than that, no cellphones, no conversations, all nice and quiet. Now add to that the feature of playful comments and sounds that are aroused when the movie gets... playful.
For example, there was this scene where werewolf-Jacob appears topless... Obviously there were mild expressions of appreciation that amused me so much I didn't even notice Edward's line "Doesn't he own a shirt?". Not many scenes before I heard the woman next to me (yes, a woman, oddly enough, there weren't many teens in that room) saying 'The Hell with Mr. Whitey".
On a related note, you rarely see a second leading role having such great a fan base (except maybe Spike in Buffy). I think Stephenie Meyer realised Edward would be too much of a goody for some girls and hence the notorious triangle with a more masculine Jacob in the mix.
Anyway, I had almost forgotten what it's like to see these cheesy films on cinema, and I think maybe I'll do it again, but NOT with Sex and The City. I'm just too scared with what I'll find there!

Now back to the real reason I posted, I came across this photoshoot of Harmony Nicholas for MERGE magazine this morning. It was one of those moments that brought tears to my eyes. It is named "Who killed Laura Palmer". If you're a desperate fan of David Lynch too, you know exactly what each image is about ;)

Harmony Nicholas
